Property Investment Seminar

馬來西亞檳城實地考察團 - 盡覽頂尖發展商優質樓花及現樓項目!
檳城被稱作最佳退休地方之一,亦是華人移居人數最多地方之一。如果你對檳城感興趣又或是身處馬來西亞,歡迎參加我們在 7月18至21日舉辦的馬來西亞檳城4日3夜美食及物業考察團。
7月18-21日 (4日3夜)
Iconic Hotel
– 指定餐飲*
– 指定免費專車接送*
– 全方位馬來西亞投資及生活資訊
– 全球通行數據電話卡*
*如未能參與上述出發日子,亦可另外預約時間安排實地考察。Asia Bankers Club 將保留活動的最終決定權,而毋須另行通知,亦毋須承擔因更改而行程而洐生之任何額外費用。行程提供的免費餐飲及按摩禮遇,將視乎實際情況、預約時間及合作夥伴安排而定,受條款及細則約束。活動人數有限,先到先得。

✧ 檳城被評選為全球前3大最佳退休島嶼之一,也是馬來西亞唯一上榜的島嶼。
✧ 移居檳城,馬來西亞提供了較低的生活成本,安全的環境,輕鬆的島嶼生活方式和著名的美食文化。居民可以享受實惠的開支,安全感,戶外活動,悠閒的生活節奏和多樣化的美食體驗。
✧ 檳城是一個充滿活力的城市,擁有眾多華人居民,豐富的文化脈絡為這個地區增添了獨特的魅力。
GEM Residences
✧地點優越,預期租金收益高達每年7%* | 步行距離 GEM Mall 僅需2分鐘* | 鄰近未來輕軌轉乘站
✧毗鄰全檳城最大購物中心 GEM Mall,佔地超過120萬呎*,其中包括檳城首家SOGO百貨公司
✧3房售價由港幣110萬*起,附送2*個免費車位 | 低至港幣988元/呎*
✧準現樓預計於2024年第4季落成* | 首期只需5%*低至港幣5.5萬*
過去馬來西亞檳城 GEM Residences 展銷會


3 Reasons to Invest with Asia Bankers Club

# 1 Exclusive access to prime projects by renowned developers
Asia Bankers Club works directly with reputable developers such as CapitaLand, Hongkong Land and Lendlease, and is given exclusivity for their projects. We also conduct our own due giligence and research to bring our buyers attractive real estate investment opportunities by negotiating directly with developers and sellers.

# 2 One-stop property management service
Property investment is an important component in wealth creation. ABC Porperty Solutions offers professional and personalised one-stop property asset management service to facilitate your wealth enhancement.
Our services include after-sales follow up for property investors, mortgage application, furniture purchase and installation, property leasing, property management, tenancy management, relocation packages, cash management, tax service and many others.

# 3 UK101, Our Affiliate Partner, The Ultimate Solution to Everything-UK
The one-stop information platform for living and property purchase in the UK. UK101 provides a wide range of UK-related information for those who intend to move to the UK. The platform regularly provide updates on UK living guides, practical investment strategies and needed precautions. The topics will comprehensively cover information on UK property purchases, property sales, legal procedures, immigrant visas, mortgage applications, guidance for further studies, rental management, property purchases with company names, and tax integration - Helping you to fully grasp every UK-related matter and prepares you for your next chapter in life.

Contact Us
*免責聲明:預計之每年平均租金回報,不保證可獲此回報。所有價格、優惠、景觀、時間及圖片僅供參考,受條款及細則約束。Asia Bankers Club 及其銷售人員不保證此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有任何一方有義務或對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Asia Bankers Club 及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。